Saturday, October 20, 2018

A New Day

Floating on the edge of consciousness.
Light filtered through lashes.
Unable to fully open.
To the buzzing of life that surrounds.

Luminescence fills every corner.
Telling of a new cycle of life.
All tears from what was before.
Have been left behind once more.

The serenity that fills the room.
Is a reflection of what's inside.
It's never been felt until now.
A time to reminisce is past.

The cares of what has been.
No longer hold any weight.
Here where life is renewed.
The present is the perfect gift.

Beauty is found in simplicity.
Stunning in it's intricacy.
It winds it's way through and through.
Until it's found it's place to stay.

Assurance of what could be.
Undertaking what will come.
Time is but a fickle friend.
Merely waiting for your determination.

Finding the strength from failure.
Takes on a larger task.
Making way for the strong-willed.
In this life ever changing.

 Copyright 2018 Lauren Hall ©