Friday, February 27, 2009


I picked up the newspaper today.
As I flipped through the pages.
I saw the obituaries.
I glanced to see if I recognized anyone.
Then quickly fold it and left it on the table.

I saw on the news today.
More innocent people died in a bombing.
Some more died in an accident.
"How sad." I thought to myself.
As I quickly changed the channel.

I passed by some homeless people.
They looked at me with eyes filled with so much sadness.
I looked away quickly.
For a moment I wondered what might have happened to them,
But as soon as I was down the street, they were just as quickly forgotten.

I saw on the front of the newspaper today.
That a beloved celebrity had passed away.
"How tragic," I thought "They were so young."
Nothing else could be talked about the rest of the day.

Today I lost my best friend.
My world has come crumbling down.
So many tears shed.
As I walk down the street.
Not one knows of my grief.
Not one knows what this world has lost.

As I flip through the paper today.
I found the obituary with my friends name.
Such a short paragraph explaining they're life.
I became distraught at how little was there.
"Everyone should know and care about them." I thought angrily.

I changed that day.
I realized the importance in life.
I also realized how fragile this life is.
Every life is as important as the next.
Ever person as special as you or I.

I picked up a newspaper today.
As I flipped through the pages.
I found the obituaries and read the names.
For the first time,
I took the time to pray for the loved ones left behind.

Copyright 2009 Lauren Hall ©